The aim of the research “The Identity of Women in contemporary visual art” is to improve understanding of problems, challenges and real-life contexts in which female visual artists and female curators from the Western Balkans work. 256 female artists and 30 female curators, both institutional and noninstitutional were involved in the research conducted by Serbian Institute for Cultural Development Research.

“…Both female visual artists and female curators point out that transformation is necessary, which should and can take place in a subtle way, and "from within", in society itself, in institutions, so that certain good positions are used and emancipatory ideas are continuously advocated and to insist on equality between the genders. When such a base is provided, inappropriate cultural patterns are changed and people's awareness is changed, women will have equal opportunities for work and progress in visual creativity as well. First, it is necessary to start with deeper changes in society: to include the topic of gender equality in upbringing and education from an early age, to educate citizens in overcoming social and political stereotypes, to point out the exceptional value of women in the development of history, culture and art.”


Identiteti žene u savremenom vizuelnom stvaralaštvu

Идентитети жене у савременом визуелном стваралаштву


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